Positioning your Router in the best place is important because it helps to reduce excessive wiring around your house and gives a strong internet connection. Your house type also has a lot to do with the placement.

Your house structure should not limit how strong your internet connection can be. Follow through this piece to know where to place a router in a 2 story house.

What is a Router?

The internet has become an essential part of our life, and we get bored when our network connection is slow. A Router helps to stay connected. It is a gateway between an internet harnessed by a modem and a local network that a device uses to communicate. 

Factors to consider before placing your Router in House

Generally, before placing your Router either downstairs or upstairs in a 2 story building, you have to ensure the following are considered

Centralized Location

Whether your house is a single-story or 2 story building, a central location for your Router is essential. Maintaining a centralized location with your Router helps ensure even distribution of the connection coverage around your house. It helps to solve the problem of getting to a particular location to get a maximum connection. Placing your Router in a corner may reduce connection strength in some of your houses. Suppose you find it difficult to centralize the location due to your cable phone or desktop placement. In that case, you can consider buying cables to ensure your Router’s location is centralized. 

No Obstruction

Ensure that your Router is in no place where there are obstacles. The kitchen is not an option when considering location; this is because Microwave tends to use the same signal strength as a router, thus interfering with your connection. Metals in the kitchen also obstruct as they absorb Wi-Fi strength and lead to dead zones in your house. Place your Router away from sofas, shelves, behind the walls, and other things that might block the signal or cause reduce the traveling distance for your signal

Away from other electronics

It would be best if you didn’t keep your Router close to other electronics in your house. Some of these devices might compete with the Router for signal, thereby affecting your connection. Give your Router its own space. This will allow you to change its antenna’s position when needed.

Elevated platform

Ensure you place your Router off the ground. Raising your Router above the ground level helps to prevent the bulk of your signal from being absorbed by the ground. You can make use of a table or bookshelf to implement this effect. However, for people with multi-story buildings, this is an exception. The placement must be in such a wall that it is not obstructed. 

Other things you might consider are;

Position of the Router’s antennas. Keep your Router in a safe place.  Avoid water spillage on it. Clean it often. Avoid direct sunlightAllow air to get to your RouterDon’t place your Router near the window.  

These factors must be considered before proceeding with your placement.

Where should I place my Router in House?

Having checked the factors to consider before placing your Router, it is now important to know where to place it in your 2 story house; upstairs or downstairs. There are two best locations for you;

On the ceiling of the first floor,On the floor of the second floor.

To get a better connection in your 2 story house, getting the ideal Router is essential. The following Router can be purchased to that effect.

You can also use a Wi-Fi extender to improve your connection. An extender helps in detecting signals, amplifying them, and dispersing them.


It is now easier to enjoy a strong internet connection in your 2 story house using a single router. You just need to maintain a centralized location, away from obstructions and other electronics, and you are good to go.

No, you can’t place your Router anywhere. Placing your Router anywhere in your house might result in poor connection in some areas. Maintain a central location.

You can either place it on the first floor or the second floor. Consider the factors above, weigh your options, and get started.