Of course, the only downside of a pool party is that you can’t take your gaming PC with you, meaning LoL is a no go. If you’re addicted like me and want to enjoy the sun without having to sacrifice LoL, why not bring the pool party to your screen? There’s over 20 pool party skins that’ll let you make a splash in-game (and no, you won’t be needing a towel). So get your shades and sun lotion at the ready!

24. Surfer Singed

Released: September 12th, 2010 Price: 975 RP Surfer Singed was the OG of the pool party skin line, and to be honest, it really shows. This skin is garish, clunky, and definitely doesn’t give off that “laid back” surfer vibe. He’s even wrapped up in bandages (not exactly sun gear!) and his dyed yellow hair legitimately looks like a cheap wig you’d get from a fancy dress store. Well, at least his blue surfboard looks kinda cool.

23. Pool Party Zac

Released: June 25th, 2015 Price: 1350 RP Pool Party Zac is basically just a blue chroma. But it does have a few nice touches which up its charm. It puts Zac in a funky snorkeling mask and the animations are totally hilarious. You can watch Zac dive into a paddling pool in the recall, and his attacks summon adorable rubber duckies everywhere. Oh, and his ultimate turns him into a literal, giant water bomb. As a kid, I always wanted to water bomb an unsuspecting passerby, and Pool Party Zac finally lets me live out that dream.

22. Pool Party Sett

Released: June 9th, 2021 Price: 1350 RP Personally, I’m not a massive fan of this Pool Party skin. I just find it lackluster and a bit random color scheme-wise. I also feel like it doesn’t really honor Sett’s character. But I can see the appeal. It’s colorful, has plenty of aesthetic flowers, and the towel tied around his waist adds a cool cape-like look. The animations are pretty smooth and creative too, especially the W. His W ability alters the terrain, transforming the ground into a sandy beach. And when the ability is empowered? It summons up a badass shark which dives across your screen.

21. Pool Party Draven

Released: June 25th, 2015 Price: 975 RP This skin turns Draven into a bit of a softie. No, seriously. He wears a yellow inflatable life jacket and blue floaties. While this is pretty hilarious – especially considering Draven is renowned for being the most badass, toxic champion out there – it does fall a little flat, in my opinion. It’s ultimately a gimmick, and the concept becomes boring after a few games. Plus, every time he attacks it plays loud bubble sound effects. The noise is grating on the ears and very distracting, especially when you’re trying to kite during intense teamfights.

20. Pool Party Gangplank

Released: August 2nd, 2018 Price: 1350 RP When Pool Party Gangplank was announced, I kinda expected a pirate vibe. So I was pretty disappointed to see him essentially sport the same laidback outfit as Graves. Nevertheless, it’s still a well-designed and fun skin overall, especially in the animation department. In his recall, you get to see him barbecue up some steaks – with the help of sous chef crab and the URF spatula – and his attack animations are equally hilarious; his main weapon is now a water gun, and his barrels let you blow up watermelons into smithereens.

19. Pool Party Braum

Released: June 2nd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP Riot went full out on the fanservice in Pool Party Braum – the skin is pretty much just muscles, muscles, and more muscles. But hey, Braum deserves to flaunt his hot bod. While the actual skin is… well, literally skin, the weapon choice is probably the most unique out of all the Pool Party skins. Braum’s shield is transformed into a tiki stand, complete with flashing, neon lights. It’s not exactly practical, but it does add a pop of color to your screen. The emotes are playful (and show off his guns), and he even does a sweet breakdance. Plus, the recall has a cute and silly story behind it.

18. Pool Party Mundo

Released: June 25th, 2015 Price: 975 RP Even Mundo deserves a vacay. This Pool Party skin dresses Mundo down in a pair of pink shorts, a colorful lei, and a goofy blue jacket. He also has some snazzy sunglasses and wears a singular sandal. Yep. The other sandal is MIA – a true testimony to Mundo’s clumsy personality. The best part of this skin though is its animations. It lets you bonk your enemies to death with a ukulele and summon hordes of seagulls. Sadly, a ukulele and seagulls are no match for Corporate Mundo – it’s hands down Mundo’s best skin, and one of the best skins in the game. But if you don’t have the money to splurge on a legendary? Pool Party Mundo is the next best choice.

17. Pool Party Ziggs

Released: September 4th, 2014 Price: 1350 RP Small but mighty, Ziggs is blessed with some of the best skins in the game, and Pool Party Ziggs is no exception. Everything about this skin is utterly adorable. He wears a cute duck floatie and waddles around in derpy blue flippers. His bombs are also water balloons which makes for some splashtastic gameplay. His emotes and recall are a bit underwhelming, but if you’re after an aww-worthy Zigg’s skin? You won’t find cuter.

16. Pool Party Graves

Released: September 9th, 2013 Price: 1350 RP Splashing into 19th place is Pool Party Graves. This skin turns Graves into total beach eye-candy; hot abs, a decked-out water gun, muscles, the lot. Aside from being body pillow material, the skin also feels utterly satisfying to play with. The attack animations are slick and clear, and nothing feels clunky or out of place. Plus, the W is a sprinkler, which takes raining on your enemy’s parade to a whole other level. The recall could do with some work – he literally just jumps off a diving board in the most unflashy way possible – but it’s a small gripe considering the skin is overall top quality and super smooth. Graves even has a pair of nifty headphones to add to his overall coolness.

15. Pool Party Leona

Released: September 9th, 2013 Price: 975 RP Pool Party Leona is satisfying in every way. You get to stab your opponents with a sun umbrella and the back animation is top tier. Plus there are some extra cute touches which complement her character beautifully, from the sun pattern on the surfboard, to the sunflowers adorning her wrists and hair. Unfortunately, the animations are nothing special. But at only 975 RP? I can’t fault this skin.

14. Pool Party Miss Fortune

Released: July 13th, 2016 Price: 1350 RP Pool Party Miss Fortune is sure to make you splash out the cash; the skin honestly transforms her into a better succubus than Evelynn. She sports a sexy sun hat, some slick shades, and a tight-fitting bikini that flatters all the right angles. Even the splash art is total eyecandy, with a badass pose that reveals every inch of her “personality.” The animations are super fun too – her ammo is literally beach balls, bubbles, and coconuts!

13. Pool Party Taric

Released: July 13th, 2016 Price: 1350 RP Coming straight out of Baywatch is none other than Pool Party Taric. It gives him a lifeguard outfit, L’Oréal worthy hair, and a megaphone (which you can use to get your ADC’s to finally listen to your shotcalls). What I really love about this skin’s thematic though is that it pretty much retains Taric’s character – he’s saving lives in the water, just like he does on the Rift.

12. Pool Party Zoe

Released: August 2nd, 2018 Price: 1350 RP Zoe’s kit is all about being playful. So it’s no surprise why a Pool Party skin fits her so well. Pool Party Zoe is jam-packed with fun, from her rubber duck arm floaties, to the recall where she does a cannonball with a seriously impressive mid-air spin. She also sports an adorable green swimsuit and a pair of funky goggles. The skin even brings her hair to life. It resembles flowing water, and each strand leaves a trail of bubbles.

11. Pool Party Orianna

Released: July 2nd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP Pool Party Orianna is quirky, fun, and stylish. She’s dressed up in a cute pink swimsuit and matching pink hat, and she’s also been given a sleek bob hairstyle. The abilities have received a splashin’ visual upgrade, and the backing animation provides some much-appreciated silliness. What really makes this skin stand out though is that it’s turned Orianna’s trusty ball into an adorable floaty sidekick – playing with this skin honestly makes you feel like you’re in a Disney movie. The skin even lets you throw starfish at your enemies and summon up lil Nemo fish.

10. Pool Party Lee Sin

Released: September 9th, 2013 Price: 975 RP Pool Party Lee Sin might not be blessed with flashy animations or an eyecatching design, but it’s really managed to perfect the “laid back” vibe – flip flops, sunglasses, baggy shorts, the whole package. The skin is so chill, even the weapon is a chilled coconut drink (complete with a snazzy cocktail umbrella). The back animation is also just Lee Sin chillaxing under a palm tree. What makes this skin particularly great is that it’s sure to tilt your enemies. Dying to a Lee Sin gank was already tilting enough, but imagine dying to a guy literally carrying around a coconut. Yeesh.

9. Pool Party Jarvan IV

Released: June 2nd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP This skin genuinely gives Jarvan a total glow up. Instead of a grumpy old man with more frown lines than stubble, it transforms him into a laidback hotty I’d be happy to consider my husbando. His abs are pure perfection. And it’s nice to finally see Jarvan for who he is under all the screaming and shouting. Apart from leveling up his hotness, this skin also levels up his playfulness. His lance is now an oversized umbrella, and his ultimate lets you create giant sandcastles.

8. Pool Party Lulu

Released: June 25th, 2015 Price: 1350 RP If you’re after something lighthearted and derpy, you’ve come to the right place. Pool Party Lulu is one of the derpiest skins in the whole game, and it’s all thanks to the squid hat. Those googly eyes are utterly ridiculous, and whenever she moves they wiggle about. And it’s not just the hat that’s derpy – Pix has been given a goofy makeover and is now a blowfish. Yep. Death by blowfish. Your enemies will be crying internally (or externally in chat).

7. Pool Party Renekton

Released: September 9th, 2013 Price: 975 RP In this skin, Renekton takes on the role of a lifeguard – well, technically a “lifekiller” – and rocks a mean pair of shades. He also sports a badass tank top and carries around a red rescue board (which he uses to, erm, beat his enemies to death). Overall, the look is original and fun, and the animations feel super smooth. But the main reason why Pool Party Renekton has managed to land a top 10 spot? It’s a “pay2win” skin – you can easily tilt your enemies just by spamming the recall.

6. Pool Party Syndra

Released: July 2nd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP Pool Party Syndra is sparkly, colorful, and trendy. It essentially makes her a volleyball player with a heap load of charm. She rocks a cute volleyball outfit, some neat wave-inspired tattoos, and a beach skirt that flows beautifully while you move. Her dark spheres have even been turned into adorable, glowing volleyballs. To top it all off, the recall is pure comedic genius; she plays volleyball with a crab and… gets hit in the face and loses. But does she accept defeat? Nope. She instead conjures up a giant volleyball to throw at (and utterly destroy) the poor little crab. And I thought LoL players were sore losers.

5. Pool Party Heimerdinger

Released: July 2nd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP Pool Party Heimerdinger is utterly adorable. His hair is super fluffy and bouncy – so fluffy, a crab literally hides within it – and his derpy swim gear further adds to his cuteness. He’s also armed with some spades and a snazzy blue sun visor. Plus the animations are exceptionally well-designed: His turrets are squirt gun-like machines, his E is a beach ball, and his W is a flurry of exploding soda bottles. He can even summon mini sharks, with one of them capable of circling around his target in the air. Oh, and his ultimate is basically a giant shark contraption. 10/10 for creativity, 10/10 for adorableness, and 10/10 for beach-worthiness.

4. Pool Party Caitlyn

Released: August 2nd, 2018 Price: 1350 RP I mean, this skin was already iconic before Caitlyn got her visual update. But now? It’s God tier. It’s badass, casual, fun and brimming with pool party inspo. Caitlyn’s rifle has been swapped out for a water gun, and her uniform has been left in the changing room, replaced with a more than flattering bikini suit. The best aspect of this skin has got to be the sound effects though. Many Pool Party skins have underwhelming or annoying sound effects. But Pool Party Cait’s ones are like heaven in your ears: crisp, clear, and smooth. To top it all off, the recall is basically Leona’s recall taken to the next level; a crab literally fans her (truly, it has chosen Cait as its waifu).

3. Pool Party Fiora

Released: July 13th, 2016 Price: 1350 RP Fiora is all about grace, precision, and slashing her enemies to death with her ultra-sharp blade. Pool Party Fiora definitely has all the grace and precision, but the um… sharp blade? She’s decided blades are out and pool noodles are in. Yep. You read that right. Her weapon of choice is literally a pool noodle – and it makes for the most hilarious in-game moments. The pool noodle even wobbles and has a ridiculous whacking sound effect. Whichever Rioter came up with this idea is a genius. Besides the pool noodle, Pool Party Fiora also boasts fun animations, an awesome recall, and a bucket load of fan service.

2. Pool Party Rek’Sai

Released: June 25th, 2015 Price: 1350 RP When Riot announced they were giving Rek’Sai a Pool Party skin, I had my doubts about how exactly that would work. After all, Rek’Sai is a merciless Void burrower. But after seeing the final result, I’m so glad they gave her a Pool Party skin – it’s genuinely amazing and brimming with creativity. In this skin, Rek’Sai rocks a snazzy diving mask, and she’s essentially been transformed into a shark cue the Jaws theme. But what makes this skin worthy of the 4th spot? It’s the fact that it lets you ride a jet ski around the map. Yep. You can play as a shark riding a jet ski. It’s truly a unique gaming experience like no other.

1. Pool Party Taliyah

Released: July 2nd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP For years, LoL players begged Rito for a Pool Party Taliyah skin. And in 2020, it finally became a reality. Pool Party Taliyah has the most original design out of all the skins in this line. Instead of stuffing her into a skimpy swimsuit or a lifeguard jacket, she’s transformed into a hip and badass surfer. The detail in this skin is incredibly intricate – even her sleeves have a design inspired by the beach – and all the colors complement one another beautifully. Plus the animations feel silky smooth and responsive. However, what truly makes Pool Party Taliyah the best skin is the ultimate’s animation: It lets you surf a giant wave across the map, taking “surfs up” to a whole other level. The animation feels godly, looks godly, and is sure to leave your enemies soaked in awe. Truth be told, this animation is easier on the eyes than Nami’s actual wave ultimate (Riot truly gave Taliyah the special treatment). Note: this content was created under Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.

Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 11Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 28Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 46Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 82Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 71Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 54Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 10Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 98Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 12Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 71Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 76Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 27Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 30Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 14Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 74Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 23Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 29Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 7Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 17Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 92Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 49Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 3Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 67Best Pool Party Skins in League of Legends  All Ranked    FandomSpot - 34